Thursday 26 June 2014

Week 2, part 2

Today I went for a review with the surgeon. It was the first time I had really been outside the house (excluding the garden) in a week and a half. For some reason walking on the pavement outside seemed a lot harder than walking around the house. I think crossing the road it was hard not to feel like you wanted to rush, especially when holding up traffic, and my knee felt a little battered after the short walk from the car to the hospital.

I was using one crutch but might consider using two outside the house at the moment, not least so people give me a wider berth because I  cannot twist to change direction AT ALL. The surgeon said that after about six weeks I should be limp free.

I had my dressing removed by the surgeon and the last of the soluble stitches cut out. I was told by the surgeon that I wouldn't require any further dressing, at which point my knee promptly started bleeding again. I've got some more dressing again, but I've been told to take it off after a couple of days.

I've decided not to post any photos of my leg sans dressing because it looks a little gory, but I will begin 'scar watch 2014' just as soon as I start applying the bio oil.

I'm taking painkillers twice a day at the moment. When I wake up in the morning the front and aide of my knee and down the front of my shin bone feels like a curious mix between battered and bruised, and suffering from that stinging feeling that you get after you have been cut.

I'm having an xray of my knee and another follow up in four weeks time, and I've been referred back to physiotherapy, so hopefully I can start making some progress soon. I am still struggling with bending my leg, not least because I feel the skin in very tender and pulling.

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