Monday 23 June 2014

Week 2

Over the weekend my leg became really swollen. It was pretty painful and I don't think the hot weather helped. I have one ankle and one definite cankle.

 Left foot
The right foot for comparision.

I've been a bit more conscientious about that elevation part of the P-R-I-C-E principles to try and help some of he fluid to drain. It's helped a bit but there is still a fair bit of swelling. The internet says that this can last for up to 3 months.

Also during the weekend I slipped sitting down (I misjudged the height of the chair). This gave me a sharp pain in my hamstring and I've noticed a reduction in my range of movement as well as additional soreness at the back of my thigh. I'm continuing with my physio stretches, but being even more gentle than usual until the soreness subsides.

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